Real estate Investing in the United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates is considered a fertile ground for real estate investment, especially in large cities such as: Dubai, Abu Dhabi.
The United Arab Emirates is unlike almost any other country in the world because of its incredibly high number of expats and immigrants. Dubai is one of the most diverse and international cities in the world, therefore, which makes it a truly unique and diverse place to visit or live.
The high percentage of people thriving in the UAE clearly owes something to the resources the government has invested in the services that people see and use in their daily lives. Residents in the UAE express much greater satisfaction with the transportation infrastructure in the country now than in previous years.
The exceptional quality of life with modern accommodation and medical facilities, excellent private schools, and highly developed infrastructure, UAE is consistently chosen by expats as a country to reside and invest.
Education, Health, and Transport. One of the many reasons why Dubai is the best city to live is because the government has heavily invested in the infrastructure. Dubai's healthcare and education are of international standards and some of the best in the world.
The UAE is the third-richest country in the world, below Luxembourg at number two and Qatar at number one, with a GDP per capita of $57,744. The bulk of its money comes from the production of goods and provision of services related to petroleum, petrochemicals, aluminum and cement.
The UAE maintains strong financial reserves and has a durable banking sector, which makes it safe for investment. According to a report in Khaleej Times, International Monetary Fund forecasts that the gross official reserves of the UAE would grow from USD 76.8 billion in 2015 to USD 118.4 billion in 2020.
It's a very safe place to live, In 2020, the UAE was the world's only country to have three of its cities – Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah – all among the top ten safest cities in the world.
The respect for all religions is one of the many reasons why the UAE is one of the happiest nations in the region.
Expats want to flock to Dubai. Apart from the high quality of life, the foremost reason for such enthusiasm for Dubai is the fact that Dubai is a tax-free nation. There is no income tax on income generated in Dubai.
Name: investor’s name.
Phone No.: investor’s phone number to be able to connect and communicate directly.
E-mail: needed to provide the investors with suitable investment offers.
Budget: approximate budget the investor is looking to spend in real estate properties in the United Arab Emirates.
ROI (Return on investment): refers to the annual profit percentage aimed to achieve by the investor.
Capital Turnover: refers to the duration of the investment to be kept by the investor.
Message: refers to additional comments made by the investor on the type of investment sought (rental investment, land purchasing, apartment purchasing, etc.)
General advice and guidelines:
Investing is a very sensitive topic where much of the burden falls on the real estate consultant.
When it comes to selecting your real estate agent for real estate investing in the United Arab Emirates, make sure you conduct your own due diligence in ensuring proper documentation, the physical address of the potential real estate company does exist. It is also recommended that you deal with real estate companies who have their own designated lawyers.
It is also recommended that you inform your relevant embassy on your potential investment and getting their feedback, especially if this is your first investment experience in the United Arab Emirates
Properties for sale in United Arab Emirates are between your hands